Sunday, May 17, 2015

Week two :)

Week two!

We started school this week! I will be assisting an English teacher in all grade 9 sections and a couple grade 10 sections at U.E.M. Calderon. The teachers are happy to have us and the students are very curious about what the heck were doing here. They are always asking me about what I think about Ecuador, the places I've visited, and how much Spanish I know. (They laugh at me when I do attempt to speak some Spanish.) I'm preparing a student for a spelling bee taking place early next week! Pretty sure he's a winner!

We also had a meeting at the UN! That was cool! The following day we had a meeting regarding the educational system in Ecuador, which was also interesting.

On the weekend we visited the middle of the world. We toured a museum with a guide and visited a monument. We took many pictures of ourselves straddling the line that divided the Northern and Southern Hemisphere (nerds). We also met an elderly couple from Lorette, MB! Pretty cool!

My favourite part of our weekend excursion would have to be our visit to the hot springs. The drive was beautiful (impressive highway by the way). Driving through the clouds felt like certain death sometimes but the other side always had an amazing sight.

At one point this week I was walking down the sidewalk and suddenly both sandals broke. After many attempts are repairing them with staples it was hopeless. I decided to walk to the super market barefoot. Quito's sidewalks: 0, Meghan: 1.


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